Does LEILex issue LEIs?

LEILex does not issue LEIs.  LEILex works with Affiliates to enable them to provide LEIs to their clients in partnership with a preferred issuer LOU.


Is LEILex a Local Operating Unit - LOU?

LEILex is not an LOU. LEILex works with Affiliates to provide the necessary technology and support for Affiliates to provide LEIs to their clients in partnership with a preferred issuer LOU.


Is LEILex an LEI Validation Agent?

LEILex is not a Validation Agent. LEILex works with Affiliates and LEI Validation Agents to provide the necessary technology and support for Affiliates to provide LEIs to their clients in partnership with a preferred issuer LOU.


What is LEILex additional data service?

LEILex provides a range of additional data service designed to enhance Affiliate services to their clients and to help Affiliates build data driven services and income.


Can anyone become an LEILex Affiliate?

Anyone who meets the criteria set out in LEILex Affiliate Application Approval process can become an LEILex Affiliate.


How do I become LEILex Affiliate?

To become an LEILex Affiliate please start by contacting LEILex and expressing your interest in becoming an Affiliate. You can sign-up below and we will reply to you directly or you can email your interest to connect@leilex.com


Is there a maximum limit to the number of LEIs that an LEILex Affiliate can provide?

There is no maximum limit to the number of LEIs provided by an LEILex affiliate to their clients.


Is there a minimum limit to the number of LEIs that an LEILex Affiliate can provide?

There is no minimum limit to the number of LEIs provided by an LEILex affiliate to their clients.


What is the LEILex Service Level Agreement - SLA?

The LEILex SLA is the legal service agreement that defines both service levels, term and income for Affiliates.


Does LEILex enable bulk LEI management?

Yes, LEILex enables bulk LEI management for Affiliates only and Affiliate clients.


Does LEILex enable multi-year LEI registration?

Yes, LEILex enables multi-year LEI registration for Affiliates only and Affiliate clients.


Does LEILex work with vLEI?

Yes, LEILex enables vLEI implementation by Affiliates only, for clients who have an LEI.


Does LEILex enable LEI transfer?

Yes, LEILex enables Affiliates only to transfer LEIs to (and from) clients.


Does LEILex work with Banks?

Yes, LEILex works with Banks to enable them to provide LEIs to their clients efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with Central Banks?

Yes, LEILex works with Central Banks to enable them to provide LEIs to their regulated firm and clients efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with company Registration authorities?

Yes, LEILex works with Company Registration authorities to enable them to provide LEIs to their company registered clients efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with Government agencies?

Yes, LEILex works with Government agencies to enable them to provide LEIs in their country efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with financial Regulators?

Yes, LEILex works with financial Regulators to enable them to provide LEIs to their regulated entities efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with Credit rating agencies?

Yes, LEILex works with Credit rating agencies to enable them to provide LEIs to their clients efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with Membership organisations?

Yes, LEILex works with Membership organisations to enable them to provide LEIs to their client members efficiently and cost effectively.


Does LEILex work with Commercial organisations?

Yes, LEILex works with Commercial organisations to enable them to provide LEIs to their clients efficiently and cost effectively.


Ask a Question?

If you have a question you wish to ask please sign-up below and we will reply to you directly or you can email your interest to connect@leilex.com


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